Samuel Somot is Researcher at the Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM/GAME), a joint research center between Météo-France and CNRS since September 2003 in the Climate and Large-Scales Modelling Group. He obtained his PhD in Physics of the Climate in 2005. His main scientific interest is the understanding of the long-term variability of the Mediterranean Sea and Mediterranean Climate over the last decades and their possible evolution during the 21st century as a consequence of the global climate change. His main tools are atmosphere-only, ocean-only or fully coupled regional climate models dedicated to the Mediterranean study. During the Conference he has been awarded “for his important contribution to the development of regional climate modeling in the Mediterranean region, for his promotion of modeling research within HyMeX and MedCORDEX, and for his active participation to MedCLIVAR activities”.