Lo Bue N, Artale V and Schroeder K (2021) Editorial: Impact of Deep Oceanic Processes on Circulation and Climate Variability: Examples From the Mediterranean Sea and the Global Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:801479. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.801479
- Lionello, P., Gacic, M., Gomis, D., Garcia-Herrera, R., Giorgi, F., Planton, S., Trigo, R., Theocharis A.,Tsimplis M.N. , Ulbrich U., Xoplaki, E. (2012) Program focuses on climate of the Mediterranean region Eos Trans. AGU 93:105-106.
- Trigo, R. M., Serrano, S.M.V. (2011): Understanding the North Atlantic Oscillation and Its Effects in the Mediterranean, Eos, 91:407 DOI: 10.1029/2010EO440004 (PDF)
- Lionello, P. (2011): Taking new steps in Mediterranean climate research, International Innovation, Research media (PDF)
- Lionello, P., Llasat, M.C. (2010): Promoting a precipitation database for the mediterranean region, Eos 91: 76
- García-Herrera, R. , J. Luterbacher, P. Lionello, F. González-Rouco, P. Ribera, X. Rodó, C. Kull, C. Zerefos, (2007): Reconstruction of Past Mediterranean Climate, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(9), 111.
- MedCLIVAR article in PAGES News, vol.13, n.3 (PDF)
- CLIVAR Exchanges special issue on MedCLIVAR, vol.11, n.2 (PDF)
- "The MedCLIVAR workshop and 1st summer school" contribution to Exchanges, n.48, pg 10 (PDF)
- Exchanges n.61 contains a summary of MedCLIVAR activities within the description of 6 CLIVAR endorsed projects (IASCLiP, MedCLIVAR, DYNAMO, NPOCE, SPICE, TACE)